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Prix sur demande
Cours d'anglais
1 annéeCocody, Abidjan, Côte d'IvoireCours particuliers
Détails du produit
English learning center we are providing interesting and instructive english courses. there is no certificate at the end of the learning sessions. the classes held in group online via social media,are to last 48h following a time table of 2 sessions of 2h by week in a three-month time. the intended persons are children, and students of secondary and grammar school to make ready for their end term exams.
Prix sur demande
Cours d'anglais
1 annéeCocody, Abidjan, Côte d'IvoireCours particuliers
Détails du produit
English learning center we are providing interesting and instructive english courses. there is no certificate at the end of the learning sessions. the classes held in group online via social media,are to last 48h following a time table of 2 sessions of 2h by week in a three-month time. the intended persons are children, and students of secondary and grammar school to make ready for their end term exams.
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